Providers are platforms or services where customers place orders, and these orders are then routed to restaurants. Examples of providers include Grubhub, Uber Eats, Doordash, Chownow,, and more.
Providers have various business models. Some act as marketplaces, connecting multiple restaurants and enabling customers to order food for takeout or delivery. Others create individual restaurant websites and accept orders through them.
For KitchenHub, the specific business model of a provider is less important than its role in serving as a source of online orders or establishing an online sales channel for restaurants to manage.
The primary goal of KitchenHub is to enable restaurants to connect to multiple online sales channels and manage them from a single platform, ultimately increasing their revenue.
Provider Integrations
KitchenHub develops Integrations, acting as clients for multiple Providers. These Integrations connect to the Providers' APIs and unify their functionalities under a single interface. This unified interface covers ordering, menu management, store management, and more.
Providers Capabilities:
Available Integrations | provider_id | Order API | Menu API |
Doordash | doordash | ✅ for tablet protocol | ❌ for tablet protocol |
Doordash POS | doordash_pos | ✅ for POS protocol | ✅ full support for POS protocol |
Grubhub | grubhub | ✅ for tablet protocol | ❌ for tablet protocol |
Grubhub POS | grubhub_pos | ✅ for POS protocol | full support for POS protocol |
UberEats | ubereats | ✅ for parallel protocol (read only) ✅ for full protocol | ✅ for parallel protocol (read only) ✅ full support for full protocol |
Chownow | chownow | ✅ | ❌ |
GloriaFood | gloriafood | ✅ | ✅full support |
Flipdish | flipdish | ✅ | ✅Get menu (read only) ❌ full support for full protocol |
Beyond Menu | beyondmenu | ✅ | ❌ |
Cloudwaitress | cloudwaitress | ✅ | ❌ |
Eatstreat | eatstreet | ✅ | ❌ |
MENUFY | menufy | ✅ | ❌ |
If you want to get actual list of supported Provider Integrations by Kitchenhub you can use this API endpoint whihc return full list
Actual list of Kitchenhub's supported Integrations
To obtain the actual list of supported Provider Integrations by Kitchenhub, you can use the following API endpoint, which will return the full list of supported providers
Integration Accounts
API Integration Account Access Limitation Notice
Important Note: In the current implementation of the API for Integration Accounts, please be aware of the following limitation:
As we transition from Provider Accounts to Integration Accounts with new mechanics, our APIv2 currently supports only newly created Integration Accounts.
What this means for you:
Access Restriction: You can access Integration Accounts that have been created via the APIv2. If you have existing Provider Accounts or Integration Accounts created via other methods, they may not be accessible through this API at this time.
Upcoming Fixes: We are actively working to expand API access to all Integration Accounts, including those created through different mechanisms. This issue is a priority for us, and we aim to resolve it shortly.
We apologize for any inconvenience this limitation may cause and appreciate your understanding as we work to enhance the capabilities of our API. Please stay tuned for updates, and thank you for your patience.If you have any questions or require further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact our support team.
An Integration Account represents an active connection between KitchenHub's Integration and a specific provider. By creating an Integration Account for your store, you gain access to all the functionalities provided by the integrated providers, such as ordering, menu API, and store management.
Integration Accounts facilitate the seamless interaction between KitchenHub and the chosen providers, enhancing your restaurant's capabilities in managing and processing online orders effectively.
Feel free to explore the available integrations and create Integration Accounts to optimize your restaurant's online presence and increase order efficiency.

Creating Integration Account
Connecting Your Stores with Providers via Integration Accounts
To connect your stores with providers, the current method is through Integration Accounts.
Each Provider Integration features its own dedicated connecting form, which can be conveniently filled out through the user interface.